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The Charity That Gives
FANPROOF SPORTS is a charity specifically for all sports fans. Our unique niche is that all subscribers can easily get FREE Sports Tickets & Merchandise.
Subscribers get FREE Tickets & Merchandise for showing their pride & loyalty by pre-registering on the website.
Target Sports Fan Market
In 2019, 5 billion humans own a mobile phone, 4 billion (92%) internet users watch TV/videos online & over 3 billion use social media daily. The average American sports fan spends a minimum of 8 hours per week streaming/watching their favorite sports. The average cost for a single NFL ticket is $151 (highest sports league) and MLB $32 (lowest). The overall average major sporting event ticket is $125. The average cost for a family of four (4) to attend any major sporting event is more than $500. Americans spend $56 billion on sporting events and $33 billion for athletic products annually.